A significant note. 13
The Holy Prophet’s harsh stand against the Christian and Jew lovers 20
Disbelief- The secret behind Jewish Brutality. 22
Mu’awiyah - on the Day of Ghadeer. 32
The connection between the Omayyad Dynasty and the Jews
Jews and the instillation of misleading thoughts between the Muslims 40
Another Jewish conspiracy for the destruction of Islam.. 45
Jews and their support for Omayyad Dynasty. 47
Research and Analysis of Goldhizer’s Report. 55
The Jewish resentment and their enmity against Islam.. 81
Poisoning of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.). 84
The Martyrdom of a group of respected Muslims by the Jews or their sons 86
Demolishment of the Minaret of Alexandria by the Bani Umayyah and the Jewish conspiracy 93
The Jewish conspiracies for creating a rift between the Muslims 99
4. Abdullah bin Amr e Aas. 126
Abdullah and Israeli culture. 127
5. Masrooq bin Ajda e Hamadani e Koofi 129
The connection between Mu’awiyah and the Jews with the help of Ka’ab ul Ahbaar 144
Jews, the change of Qibla and the role of Ka’ab ul Ahbaar. 147
Imam Ali’s stand against Ka’ab ul Ahbaar and the Israelite stories 150
The Beliefs of Wahab bin Munabbeh. 158
The connection between Christians and Umayyad Dynasty
The connection between Christians and Umayyad Dynasty. 161
The Agonizing condition of Islamic society in the Umayyad rule 163
Promotion of Christian Preachings and Poetry. 165
Story-telling of Tamim e Dari and Promotion of Christianity 176
Tamim e Dari during Umar’s Caliphate. 184
The Support provided by the Umayyad rule to Christianity. 186
Khalid’s enmity against Ahlebait (a.s.) and the people of Iraq 190
Two significant strategies of the enemies
Sectarianism between Muslims. 194
Heterodoxy – During the Umayyad and Abbasside reign. 196
Motazila – In the Umayyad era. 201
Murjea – In the Umayyad era. 203
Qadriyya, Jabriyya and Murjea – In the Umayyad Era. 207
Prediction of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) about Murjea and Qadriyya 209
The Role of Murjea in the society. 212
The coordination between Murjea and the Christian Church 218
Murjea – In the light of Shia traditions. 231
The role played by the Jews and Christians in the misguidance of Umayyad beliefs 235
The difference in beliefs – An effective way for the destruction of Muslims 239
Propagation of intellectual sciences during the Umayyad rule 243
Translation of Foreign books. 245
Religious discussions – A means of retaining the government 250
2) Concealing the prophesies. 252
Jews and the concealment of Predictions. 253
Christians and the concealment of Prophesies. 265
The Acceptance of Islam by the English King. 266
Qur’anic prophecies regarding the Umayyad dynasty. 276
Another Qur’anic prophecy regarding Umayyad dynasty. 280
The Qur’anic prophecy regarding Hakam and his sons. 286
The secret behind the prophecies of the Holy Prophet and Imam Ali (P.B.U.T.) 291
The Prophetic Prophecies regarding the Umayyad dynasty. 294
The Prophetic prophecies regarding the Umayyad rule. 295
Another prophecy by Imam Ali (a.s.) regarding the Umayyad dynasty 307
Prophecy of Imam Ali (a.s.) regarding the fate of Umayyad dynasty 313
Another Prophecy of Imam Ali (a.s.) regarding the decline of the Umayyad dynasty 320
Another Prophecy made by Imam Ali (a.s.) regarding the Umayyad dynasty and the Abbasid dynasty 323
Another prophecy of Imam Ali (a.s.) regarding the Umayyad and the Abbasid dynasties 330
The Prophetic Prophecy regarding the arrival of Hakam and his curse upon him 337
Hakam bin Abil Aas – Spying for the Jews, Infidels and the Hypocrites 342
The Prophetic Prophecy regarding Mu’awiyah etc. 348
Another Prophetic Prophecy regarding Mu’awiyah. 354
Another Prophetic Prophecy regarding Mu’awiyah. 373
Another Prophetic Prophecy regarding Mu’awiyah. 377
Two more Prophetic Prophesies regarding Mu’awiyah. 380
Another Prophetic Prophecy regarding Mu’awiyah – narrated from Abdullah bin Amr e Aas 382
Prophetic Prophecy regarding Mu’awiyah and Amr e Aas. 385
The Prophecy of Imam Ali (a.s.) regarding Mu’awiyah. 386
Another Prophecy of Imam Ali (a.s.) regarding the same. 391
Another Prophecy of Imam Ali (a.s.) – As per the narration of ‘Al Gharaat’ 393
Prophecy of Imam Ali (a.s.) – As per the narration of ‘Murawwij uz Zahab’ 398
The Prophetic Prophesies regarding the Martyrdom of Ammar Yasir (r.a.) in the Battle of Siffeen 399
Guidance of Ammar in the Battle of Siffeen. 404
Ammar bin Yasir’s speech in the Battle of Siffeen and Objection on 408
Conversation between Shabath bin Rab’ee and Mu’awiyah regarding the death of Ammar 412
Continuity (Tawaatur) of the Hadith regarding the Martrydom of Ammar (r.a.) 417
The Influence of Prophetic Prophesies regarding Ammar e Yasir 430
16 significant points of Ammar’s conversation with Zul Kalaa’ 453
Prophetic Prophecy regarding Owais e Qarani, and his participation in the Battle of Siffeen 478
The Martyrdom of Owais e Qarani in the Battle of Siffeen. 481
The notable points of this narration. 482
The Prophecy of Issa (a.s.) regarding the Battle of Siffeen. 485
Prophetic Prophecy regarding ‘Arbitration’ 492
Another prophecy of His Holiness (p.b.u.h.) regarding Arbitration 494
Another prophecy of Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) regarding Arbitration – as per another narration 498
The significant points derived from prophesies regarding Arbitration 500
Prophetic Prophecy regarding Ayesha. 506
Prophetic Prophecy regarding Marwan and others. 508
Alliance of Marwan with Muawiah and his wickedness. 509
Prophecy of Imam Ali (a.s.) regarding Marwan. 514
Another prophecy of Imam Ali (a.s.) regarding Marwan. 516
Another prophecy regarding Marwan. 519
Prophecy of Imam Ali (a.s.) regarding Marwan bin Hakam, according to ‘Nihayatul Arab’ 521
Prophetic Prophecy regarding Amr bin Saeed bin Aas. 523
Prophetic Prophecy regarding the death of Zul Thadiya in the Battle of Nehrwaan 524
Prophetic Prophecy regarding Mohammad bin Abi Bakr and the case of his martyrdom 528
Prophetic Prophecy regarding Samarah ibn e Jundab. 532
Prophecy of Imam Ali (a.s.) about the Incident of Karbala. 533
The latest strategy designed to prevent the occurrence of Prophecies 537
Prophecy of Imam Ali (a.s.) regarding the Martyrdom of Rushaid e Hajari and its opposition 539
Prophecy of Imam Ali (a.s.) regarding the Martyrdom of Meesum e Tammar and its opposition 541
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